Archie: Осторожно: зависимость!

Ср авг 22, 2018 10:47
My research has found that the risk of exercise addiction in ultra-endurance athletes (marathon runners, long distance cyclists, half / full Ironman triathletes) is 44.7%. This figure is higher than has previously been reported in other sports.
My research also found that endurance athletes using connected health technologies (such as fitness trackers) and social media in their training are increasing their risk of becoming addicted to exercise.
Athletes who use lots of technology and are at risk of exercise addiction are often using technology to seek out an online community to cope with the loneliness of their training. These online communities support athletes, but also facilitate them in extensively comparing themselves against other athletes which can cause them stress, increase injury risk, lower potential performance and reduce enjoyment in their sport.


Kaido: Re: Осторожно: зависимость!

Вт сен 11, 2018 17:23

сразу на ум пришёл Чах (усатый). У него даже ИИ есть который помогает крутить педали.