Чт май 14, 2009 09:59

А если ты случайно ёжика задавишь? Или белочку? У нас их и так по полторы штучки осталось :cry:

Международные правила велоориентирования (по-английски)

Competitors have a responsibility to avoid damage to plants, wildlife, fences, walls and archaeology, and must keep out of any out of bounds areas.
Riding off the track or trail will normally be disallowed unless specifically agreed by the organiser and the IOF Event Adviser.This information shall be given at the latest in Bulletin 2
Riding off the track or trail will normally be disallowed unless specifically agreed by the organiser and the IOF Event Adviser. Any changes to this rule, such as the permitting of carrying or walking with the bike between paths, shall be clearly stated in the event instructions. Organisers may be required by the IOF Event Adviserto enforce this rule by the use of marshals. Planners should design courses so as to minimise any benefit gained from infringement of this rule. The penalty for breaking this rule is disqualification from the event.

- береги природу, в том числе и белочек с ёжиками :wink:
- вне трассы(дороги отмеченные на карте) ездить нельзя, если организатор соревнований не оговорил это отдельно.
- Нести или везти велосипед рядом с собой вне трассы можно только с разрешения организатора соревнований (вроде как на наших вторниках можно)